
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Best Appalication for Android

Your Android phone is in the root? and wondered what applications does good for the Android is already in the root? In the Android Market, there are many hundreds or even thousands of applications available for Android, which is ready for download and Install. But let me not confused, here are some of the best applications for Android is already in the root.
AdFree Android - Upset with a display ad in the game or Android application. You want to eliminate such ads in Angry Birds Angry Bird Season or Rio Free Version? Or ads on other Android apps? With AdFree, Android phones will be free advertising and there will be no more advertisements that appear either in game or application.

Titanium Backup Pro - For those who often mutually ROM MIUI to CyanogenMod example of vice versa, would be very time consuming if you have to install it again from the beginning of the various applications or games. Well, Titanium Backup Pro will help you to backup a wide range of applications and games. For the game, even you can be at once her Save Game Backup Android, Android phone later that even though you already formatted, you can still continue playing the game, after restored from Titanium Backup. Good is not it?

GameCIH2 for Android - Android Root This is the advantage for gamers. You can easily cheat on games in the Android using GameCIH2. If you're curious, how the heck do I use Cheat Engine on Android? Please read the Tutorial Using GameCIH2 - Cheat Engine on Android.

ShotMe – Aplikasi yang satu ini adalah untuk Mengambil ScreeShot di Android. Jika Anda mengabdikan screen Android, ataupun membutuhkan foto atau gambar dari ponsel Android, semisal gambar untuk blog seperti di blog ini, maka aplikasi ShotMe bisa menjadi alternatif pilihan.
SD Booster for Android   - Ada kalanya saat mengcopy file dari satu ke folder lain di Android memakan waktu yang cukup lama, ini bisa disebabkan karena kinerja SD Card yang telat atau lemot, nah dengan sebuah aplikasi bernama SD Booster for Android Anda bisa mempercepat kinerja SD Card sehingga bisa mencapai kecepatan maksimum.
Aplikasi-aplikasi lainnya yang bisa Anda install setelah Android Anda di root seperti OverClock Widget, SetCPU for Root Users, Root Explorer (File Manager), MyBackup Root, Root UnInstaller, Galaxy S2 SIM Unlock (khusus pengguna Samsung Galaxy S2), dan Font Uninstaller.

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